Yes, Wacky Conservatives are the same way - that is the subject for another posting. But in any argument, you have to challenge the premise - and often the premise is just plain wrong. And it is annoying when you see some "talk show" like The Daily Show or Bill Maher make these baseline assumptions, without really allowing for any discussion. It is close-minded thinking.
Here are some of the examples of these baseline assumptions that Wacky Liberals make - and refuse to even allow to be debated. If you challenge any of these assumptions, you are just written-off as a cruel, heartless conservative bastard. But sadly for the liberal movement, many "middle of the road" Americans don't believe these assumptions either - which does not bode well for the Democrats in 2016.
1. We can help the poor by giving them money. Poverty is the absence of money, ergo, if you give poor people money, they no longer will be poor! It is such a simple argument, and the refutation is complex, but it does illustrate how simplistic thinking work. Since the response takes paragraphs and the supposition can be said in a sentence, then there is no point in examining the "hard" answer. I saw this mentioned on one of Bill Maher's shows - and said as if it were an assumed background norm. Everyone on the panel just nodded in agreement. Scary stuff.
This illustrates the corellary baseline assumption about poverty - that all of the poor are nobler and better than us by dint of being poor. As I noted before, Hollywood loves this angle, beatifying the poor and even endowing them with mystical powers (as in the movie, The Green Mile). Not being tied down with "materialism" the poor are more in touch with things like supernatural powers, or God or whatever. Sadly, this is not true - the poor are more likely to be sucked up into the materialist consumer orgy that is the United States. Look at any trailer home and see how many junked cars, four-wheelers, and snowmobiles are parked outside. And chances are, they have a larger television that you do.
Giving away free money to the poor has three fundamental problems: First, it doesn't un-poor the poor. Second, that money has to come from somewhere and that means from someone else. Third, it trains people to expect free handouts, which erodes our society. The bonus fourth reason is this: Our "poor" are richer than about 95% of the rest of the planet. You can't be "poor" and own a car, a microwave, and a wall-screen television. Well, in America, you can.
2. Money spend on anything is wasteful, as it could help feed the homeless. You see this all the time online. According to these folks, all progress in science, art, literature, architecture, and even humanity, should cease altogether, so long as even one person is homeless in America. Any money "wasted" on things like art museums, new factories, office buildings, a subway, a public park, or a satellite landing on a comet should be spent on soup-and-blankets for the poor. Anything less than this is criminal an inhuman.
So the question becomes this: Is the purpose of our civilization to work and strive so that mentally ill people and drug abusers should have a really nice place to live? Do we just put off or abandon all plans for anything in this world in favor of creating free apartments, free meals, and free clothing for drug addicts and the mentally ill? There are some among us who would say "YES" and that such a plan would be the highest achievement of mankind.
Others, including myself, don't think that our civilization will be judged by how we treat our bums. I am all for getting the homeless off the street and into institutions where they belong. Drug addicts and crazy people need help - and by living on the street they have demonstrated they are not capable of taking care of themselves. In the past, a compassionate society would have intervened and had such people institutionalized involuntarily - for their own good. In today's "free society" we can no longer do that, so we create this cruel system of homeless shelters, revolving-door outpatient clinics, and soup-kitchens.
The homeless "problem" today is one largely caused by Wacky Liberals. We all saw "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and decided that de-institutionalization was a wonderful thing. Now we reap what we have sown, and the same Wacky Liberals want to blame everyone else for the problem they caused!
3. Minorities are Always Disadvantaged and Need Special Treatment. This is another baseline assumption that is a bit of paternalism. The great white man will help all those little people who don't know any better and need a leg up in society.
Again, what galls me is not whether this creed is true or false but that discussion is not even allowed.
Yes, in the past, many racial minorities were subject to discrimination, and beatings, and hangings, and worse. Our nation's history of the treatment of minorities is nothing to be proud of. Then again, it is not too different from how minorities are treated anywhere in the world (be it religious, racial, sexual, or whatever - look around you) today or historically. This is not making an excuse, just pointing out that the United States of America doesn't have a monopoly in horrifically bad deeds. Minorities are being slaughtered in the middle-east and Africa as we speak, and yet our real outrage in America is over far more trivial things.
The issue with regard to discrimination and racial quotas and other things designed to "fix" past abuses, is that there has to be a legitimate discussion as to when such quotas and fixes should end. And there are two scenarios where such things as "affirmative action" should be examined and evaluated and possibly retired.
The first is where they are no longer needed. I am not saying this is today, or even tomorrow. But eventually, if these programs work as intended then there should come a time when they are no longer needed - by definition. This is not an emotional argument, or a racial argument, but just a logical one. In 10 years, 100 years, or 1000 years, eventually there should be racial equality by dint of races perhaps disappearing due to interbreeding. At such a time, racial preferences shouldn't be required, right?
But to even ask this question is to be called a racist - mostly by white liberals, ironically, who tend to think emotionally and thus think they are being egalitarian by castigating anyone they think isn't politically correct. But there has to be an end game to affirmative action or other racial quotas, and it is a perfectly legitimate thing to argue when this should happen as opposed to just saying that one is not allow to even discuss it.
And speaking of which, we are not even allowed to discuss whether affirmative action does equate to racial quotas. Wacky Liberals shout "these are not quotas!" but then don't provide a logical, cogent argument as to why setting aside a certain number of seats isn't a quota. Again, even trying to discuss the issue is to be called a racist - and that is not constructive.
The second scenario where racial preferences, quotas, or affirmative action might be abolished, is if they are shown not to work. Again, this is an issue to discuss not a conclusion. One could make valid arguments that affirmative action has worked to improve equal access in our country. And those may be valid arguments - go ahead and make them. However, the opposing side is not allowed to even raise the issue without being shouted down as racist. This is not intellectual thinking, it is dogmatic ideology.
We should have a healthy discussion as to whether things like affirmative action are working - and whether other things should be tried, or modified or whatever. Maybe something else would work better. For example, here's an idea - instead of cramming standardized tests down everyone's throat, why not provide a more level playing field for primary education, and encourage education among minorities? It seems to me that the real problem isn't setting aside a number of seats at Harvard for minorities, but rather getting enough qualified people to fill them. For some reason, we want to do set-asides at the college or job level, while not leveling the playing field at grade 7.
And if someone wants to embrace a "culture" that denigrates education, whose fault is that? Frankly, that is the thing that really has to change in America, if minorities are to advance.
And it is funny, once you become one of these "minority" groups, you can appreciate how the paternalistic thing works. Suddenly, you are viewed as "disadvantaged" or "damaged goods" and it is tempting to sign up for your quota of free swag. As a government contractor, I can list myself as a "disadvantaged minority business" or some such nonsense. I choose not to.
It is also funny when people come up to you and, trying to be supportive, say things like, "Well, I support gay marriage!" and then get upset when you tell them you don't. You can appreciate how black conservatives feel when White Liberals call them "Uncle Toms" - they are not allowed to think for themselves, and if they disagree with Wacky Liberalism, then obviously they are just toadies for the man.
And you see this all the time, too, with these racially charged incidents, whether it is Ferguson or Treyon Martin - events with ambiguous evidence and murky circumstances, and no one party being clearly 100% innocent or guilty. Yet Wacky Liberals always immediately assume that the black person was right and the white person was wrong - there are literally no shades of grey here (and that is no pun!). It is like with the homeless - they are all saints and we are all sinners. End of discussion.
And this is extended to even less important matters. Someone says a wrong word or does a wrong deed, and if they stepped on a cultural landmine, well they are toast. Forgiveness and rehabilitation are out - and once again, these things are not even up for discussion.
And that's what irks me - that people just want to shut down discussion, rather than raise a cogent argument.
The common denominator of these three issues is that they are social hot-buttons. Just by making this post, I am sure some whack-job will flame me calling me a heartless racist bastard - likely without actually reading all that I have written. They will scan a few lines and go "hrump! He isn't following the party line here! Someone needs to be taken to task!"
This does not bode well for Hillary Clinton, who is actually quite conservative. This is what scares me - that the Wacky Liberals are getting louder and louder, and shouting down moderate Democrats just as the tea parties shouted down moderate Republicans (which nearly destroyed the party). During the primaries next year, the candidates will pander to the far left, and the election could go to the GOP.
THIS is what the Wacky Liberals have wrought!